As it's International Women's Day, what better way to celebrate strong women than to meet some of our own wonderful team!
So here's a little bit about us, the women behind Hola BB
Olivia Harvey - Founder
What does being a strong woman mean to you?
The notion of being strong comes in so many forms but for me personally I am inspired by women who are confident and proud of their life choices, no matter what they may be. Who are able to openly acknowledge and celebrate who they are and what they do whilst being honest with themselves and others. Empowering other women through their successes and failures.
Who are the women who have inspired you most in your life?
There have been so many amazing women throughout my life, too many to mention and all completely different and inspiring in their own way. Today I'm inspired by my team, my friends who have recently become parents, each completely different and with their own story, my family, my mum for surviving with 3 crazy kids alone, women I follow on IG. I don't believe in the notion of 'doing it all' but we all get pretty close without even realising it.
What is one way in your day to day life you try to reduce gender bias?
I never noticed gender bias that effected me until I started developing in my career, and it's why when I started Hola BB a big part was to create an environment and space where regardless of gender, stage of life or children, you could work in a way that works for you and your family.
Elisha Danare - Operations Director
What does being a strong woman mean to you?
Being able to celebrate \ commiserate and simply being open about the good, the bad and the ugly that comes with being a woman.
Who are the women who have inspired you most in your life?
My mothers (I was very lucky to be blessed with two), grandmothers and aunts. All of the women in my family are fiercely independent, hard working and hard loving. Traits I plan on passing down to my two daughters.
What is one way in your day to day life you try to reduce gender bias?
My 7 year old has started to discuss what she wants to be and at times mentions a certain role is not possible because she is a girl. When she she does I ask more question to understand why she came to those thoughts and I show her examples of women doing those jobs whether it's a movie, a Pic or a story. Thank you Google!
Tuyet-Nhi Pham - Customer Service Manager
What does being a strong woman mean to you?
A strong woman to me faces her fears, problems, and issues even though she might not have a plan at that moment, she will figure it out. She is kind, compassionate, courageous and humble at times. She is also not afraid to share her opinions and speak her truth.
Who are the women who have inspired you most in your life?
My mom, she has been through a lot in life. Although, we do not always agree on certain points. I admire her for hustling through life, and takes it as it goes.
Another, is my dearest friend Skirmante, who had to grow up faster than she anticipated. Her point of view helps me to be the better version of myself.
Last, are all the moms I have come across since I became one myself. Each individual mom inspires me in another way, in self-love, taking care of her loved ones, balancing private and work life, appreciating the tiniest things and so much more! Moms teach me that if it did not work out today, there will be a tomorrow :)
What is one way in your day to day life you try to reduce gender bias?
Shared parenting. It's not common in our culture, especially not in the older generations like my moms. We live in such a different era, my beliefs reflect on that.
We are all strong in our own way, even when we might not even see it. Have a blessed day!
Elise Groenewoud - Marketing Manager

What does being a strong woman mean to you?
Being a strong women, for me, means that you go for what you want in life. Whether its a certain career, being a mom or whatever you decide you like and believe is best for you.
Who are the women who have inspired you most in your life?
I meet inspiring women in every new phase of my life. The women who stand out the most to me are the confident ones, the ones who are truly happy with themselves and passionate about what they do.
What is one way in your day to day life you try to reduce gender bias?
I try to be very mindful in how I approach my children, that they are treated the same. I want them to know they can grow up to be and do whatever they want.
Aricia Foet - Content & Community Manager
What does being a strong woman mean to you?
To follow your dreams and live the life you want to live. For some reasons men have tried to overrule us (maybe because they are actually afraid of our capabilities ;). Luckily we now have the opportunity to seize life with both hands and do what we want, how we want it to. The sky is the limit. However, I sometimes find it hard to combine this with being a mother because in the end, being with your child is the most precious time there is. acknowledging this and take parts from both sides is what being a strong woman means to me.
Who are the women who have inspired you most in your life?
My mom, especially since I am a mom myself now. So much respect for the way she handled things and still does! Also the increasing number of women who set up their own business and thereby make their voice heard to the world inspire me.
What is one way in your day to day life you try to reduce gender bias?
To not create it yourself. I think a big part of gender bias is in our subconscious mind. ( Please go read some of Eckhart Tolle) And by forcing these gender bias thoughts out of your mind and replace them with the actual believe that everybody is equal. To see yourself as an absolute equal of whoever. I think that creates a situation where others will start to treat you as equal.
Anything else you'd like to add? Love yourself for who you are and the rest will follow your lead.
Naomi Goldsteen - Designer
Our wonderful designer Naomi is currently off on maternity leave awaiting the arrival of her little one. We can't wait to have you back Naomi!